Wednesday, October 29, 2008

day one, what fun!

soooo, as some of you know I have a chip (on my shoulder; ha not really) chipped tooth in the front, and a rather large filling to make it look normal and feel normal.

Today at about mile 15 I took a drink of water from my handy bottle... when I pushed the lid back in I used my teeth... now I look funny again:

not sure if anyone is playing the guessing game or not but I went 40.09 miles today ;-)


Dave said...

are you a hockey player or a road biker?

Crush said...

that's not cool. making any abrupt stops to any dentists offices?

Unknown said...

Looks like the insurance would have already paid off. Good luck man. Ill be keeping up with your journey.

Paula Parrish said...

Love the photo. We will be following your path everyday.
Love Ya, Paula, Chad and Destiny